Legislative Information
First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) - (FTT)
Resolving disputes relating to various leasehold matters are, in the main, determined by The First-tier Tribunal (also known as the 'FTT' who are part of the Residential Property Tribunal Service - formerley known as the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal - LVT) which can be as a result of an application having being made by either the Tenant or the Landlord .
There are various offices which cover a specific area of England & the five regional RPTS offices are:
RPTS (London Rent Assessment Panel) London
RPTS (Northern Rent Assessment Panel) Manchester RPTS (Midland Rent Assessment Panel) Birmingham RPTS (Eastern Rent Assessment Panel) Cambridge
RPTS (South Eastern Rent Assessment Panel) Chichester
Each FTT usually consists of three members: a lawyer who is often the chairman, a valuer and a lay person. It is entirely independent and impartial in its semi-formal approach & neither side is required to be represented. After listening to the argument from both sides and raising their own questions etc. they determine the issue as soon as possible after the hearing. No decision is normally provided at the hearing itself.
Application can be made under:
Under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985
the liability to pay and the reasonableness of service charges matters relating to insurance through the landlord's nominated insurer
limiting the amount of a landlord's costs of appearing at an FTT which can be charged to the service charge dispensation for service of a consultation notice
Landlord and Tenant Act 1987
for the appointment of a Manager for a variation of leases
for the determination of the purchase price following an Acquisition Order
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002
the liability to pay and the reasonableness of administration charges in respect of works under Estate Management Schemes
the liability to pay and the reasonableness of charges under the Right to Manage
determination of alleged breach in connection with forfeiture appeals against withholding of service charges
Where you have utilised our services and then require an application to be made to the Tribunal we can, subject to arrangement / fee prepare & submit the application for you. Please ensure you carefully read our Terms & Conditions to which this website & our services are subject